Testsystem SpS: Hochladen einer beliebigen Rechnung (openai-php/client v0.10.x)'; echo '
Verbesserte Version mit fehlerresistenter Prüfung von HttpTransporter.
'; /** * Prüfen wir, ob wir die richtige Version von openai-php/client erwischt haben. * Falls nicht, geben wir einen Hinweis aus und definieren einen Fallback-Flag. */ function checkHttpTransporter() { // Globalen Flag setzen, damit wir ihn außerhalb abrufen können global $httpTransporterAvailable; if (class_exists(HttpTransporter::class)) { echo "HttpTransporter is available. (OK)
"; $httpTransporterAvailable = true; } else { echo "
Warning: 'HttpTransporter' not found. Möglicherweise nutzt du nicht
openai-php/client v0.10.x, sondern eine andere Version.
Bitte prüfe deine Installation (z. B. composer.json: \"openai-php/client\": \"^0.10\"
Error: PHP 8.2.27+ erforderlich! Aktuelle Version: " . PHP_VERSION . "
"; return false; } else { echo "PHP version: " . PHP_VERSION . " (OK)
"; } // 2) openai-php/client-Version per Shell (optional) echo "Checking openai-php/client version via composer show openai-php/client | grep versions
Detected version info:
"; echo "" . htmlspecialchars($verShell) . ""; } else { echo "
Could not retrieve openai-php/client version info via shell. Possibly composer not in PATH?
"; } // 3) PHP-Erweiterungen $requiredExtensions = ['json', 'curl', 'mbstring', 'openssl']; $missingExtensions = []; foreach ($requiredExtensions as $ext) { if (!extension_loaded($ext)) { $missingExtensions[] = $ext; } else { echo "PHP extension '$ext' is installed. (OK)
"; } } if (!empty($missingExtensions)) { echo "Error: Missing PHP extensions: " . implode(', ', $missingExtensions) . "
"; return false; } // 4) vendor/autoload? if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) { echo "Error: Composer dependencies are not installed. Run 'composer install' in the project directory.
"; return false; } else { echo "Composer dependencies are installed. (OK)
"; } // 5) HttpTransporter-Klasse? (nicht mehr via die() abgebrochen) checkHttpTransporter(); // 6) Kommandos (z. B. curl) $requiredCommands = ['curl']; $missingCommands = []; foreach ($requiredCommands as $cmd) { $output = null; $returnVar = null; exec("command -v $cmd", $output, $returnVar); if ($returnVar !== 0) { $missingCommands[] = $cmd; } else { echo "Command '$cmd' is available. (OK)
"; } } if (!empty($missingCommands)) { echo "Error: Missing required commands: " . implode(', ', $missingCommands) . "
"; return false; } // 7) Verzeichnisrechte $directories = [ __DIR__ . '/uploads', __DIR__ . '/vendor' ]; foreach ($directories as $dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { echo "Warning: Directory $dir does not exist. It will be created if necessary.
"; } elseif (!is_writable($dir)) { echo "Error: Directory $dir is not writable. Please check permissions.
"; return false; } else { echo "Directory $dir is writable. (OK)
"; } } return true; } /** * Prüft den API Key (Regex bei Bedarf anpassen). */ function validateApiKey($apiKey) { if (empty($apiKey) || !preg_match('/^sk-(proj|live|test)-[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/', $apiKey)) { echo "Error: Invalid OpenAI API Key. Please check your API Key.
"; return false; } echo "OpenAI API Key is valid. (OK)
"; return true; } /** * Initialisiert ggf. den OpenAI-Client * (Nur wenn HttpTransporter tatsächlich verfügbar ist). */ function initializeOpenAIClient($apiKey): ?OpenAIClient { global $httpTransporterAvailable; // Wenn HttpTransporter nicht existiert, brechen wir hier ab – // oder wir könnten versuchen, einen anderen Ansatz zu fahren (Fallback). if (!$httpTransporterAvailable) { echo "Cannot initialize old version of OpenAI Client (HttpTransporter missing). Please install openai-php/client:^0.10 or adapt the code for v1.x.
"; return null; } try { $transporter = HttpTransporter::create($apiKey); return new OpenAIClient($transporter); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "Error initializing OpenAI Client: " . $e->getMessage() . "
"; return null; } } /** * Extrahiert Rechnungsdaten aus einer PDF via Smalot\PdfParser + OpenAI */ function extractInvoiceData($pdfPath, $apiKey) { try { // 1) PDF -> Text $parser = new Parser(); $pdf = $parser->parseFile($pdfPath); $text = $pdf->getText(); // 2) Standardfelder (initial) $invoiceData = [ 'invoice_number' => null, 'invoice_date' => null, 'customer_name' => null, 'total_amount' => null, 'tax_amount' => null, ]; // 3) OpenAI initialisieren $client = initializeOpenAIClient($apiKey); if (!$client) { // Falls Client nicht initialisiert werden konnte (z. B. kein HttpTransporter) return ["error" => "Failed to initialize OpenAI Client or HttpTransporter missing."]; } // 4) Prompt definieren (JSON-Ausgabe) $prompt = <<Environment check failed. Please fix the above errors.
"; exit; } // 2) API-Key definieren & validieren $apiKey = "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"; $apiKeyOk = validateApiKey($apiKey); if (!$apiKeyOk) { echo "Invalid API key. Please correct it.
"; exit; } // 3) Upload-Handling if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && isset($_FILES['pdf_file'])) { echo "Upload directory created: $uploadDir
"; } $uploadedFile = $_FILES['pdf_file']; // b) MIME-Type checken (nur PDF) $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mimeType = $finfo->file($uploadedFile['tmp_name']); if ($mimeType !== 'application/pdf') { echo "Error: Only PDF files are allowed. Detected type: $mimeType
"; exit; } // c) Eindeutigen Dateinamen erzeugen $uniqueName = uniqid('pdf_', true) . '.pdf'; $filePath = $uploadDir . $uniqueName; // d) Datei verschieben if (move_uploaded_file($uploadedFile['tmp_name'], $filePath)) { echo "File uploaded successfully to: $filePath
"; echo "" . json_encode($invoiceData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ""; } else { echo "
Failed to upload file.
"; } } else { // HTML form for uploading a PDF ?>